Evalution of Clinical and Sociodemograpic Features of Patients with Psoriasis in the Konya Region
Original Article
P: 71-74
September 2011

Evalution of Clinical and Sociodemograpic Features of Patients with Psoriasis in the Konya Region

Turk J Dermatol 2011;5(3):71-74
1. Selcuk University, Meram Medical Faculty, Department Of Skin And Venereal Diseases,
2. Bezmialem Foundation University Medical Faculty, Department Of Skin And Venereal Diseases, Istanbul, Turkey
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Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory dermatosis with silvery-white coloured squamas and is characterized by erythematous papules and plaques. Psoriasis is seen in 1-2% of the normal population. In this study we aim to introduce the clinical and demographic features of patients with psoriasis in our region.

Materials and Methods:

640 patients being followed in our psoriasis polyclinic between May 2006 and April 2010 were evaluated retrospectively.


Patients diagnosed with psoriasis constituted the 0.7% who visited our polyclinic. Three hundred and twenty one of the patients were female and 319 were male. A history of psoriasis was observed in at least one of the first or second degree relatives of 25.6% of patients with psoriasis. The most common concomitant disease in patients was hypertension. 97.6% of the patients had psoriasis vulgaris and 2.34% had pustular psoriasis. Nail involvement and psoriatic arthritis were detected in 37.6% and 5.62% of the patients.


In our study, the clinical and sociodemographic features of psoriasis is found to be similar to other studies carried out in Turkey and in European societies. Female/Male ratio is equal.The most prevalent psoriasis type is plaque type and the most frequent nail finding is pitting. The onset of the disease is more widespread in the third decade. The most common comorbidity is hypertension. (Turk J Dermatol 2011; 5: 71-4)