Hemangiomas of infancy are the most common benign tumours of childhood. Cryotherapy is a widely accepted modality for the treatment of hemangiomas of the newborn. However, no studies clearly supporting its effectivity are available. In contrast to an earlier "wait and see" approach to treating hemangiomas in young children, we sought to determine whether these vascular lesions would respond to contact cryosurgery
Nineteen patients with 25 infantil hemangiomas were included in the study between 2003-2008 years. Patients were treated with contact cryotherapy. All lesions were treated with the same method (double freeze-thaw cycle of 15 seconds).
In 15 lesion; 11 (%73.3) lesions healed with full regression, two (%13.3) lesions healed with partially regression, one lession showed no change and one lesion showed progression.
Contact cryotherapy has been evaluated as an effective and safe method in infantil hemangiomas.